SALE - The Chakana Oracle

We approach the Chakana Oracle from the tradition of altar keepers and Mesa carriers. The shamans of the Andes have been and still are masters of this sacred art. The Chakana Oracle (sometimes spelled Chacana Oracle) highlights the components of the Mesa as its primary teaching and divination tool. This card deck consists of a deconstruction of the traditional Andean Mesa, revealing its elemental forms. These elemental forms are organized according to the classical Tawantinsuyu, or four-quarter arrangement.

One hundred images of spiritual textiles, sacred stones, carved images, and energy companions comprise the components of this card deck. In the accompanying Chakana Oracle Guidebook each image contains its key words, description, a reading, and practice.

Through use of the cards their images can tell personal stories of guidance from the Mesa itself, and from the Lineage of Mesa carriers directly. The Guidebook can also be used as a stand-alone exploration of the Q’ero Cosmology, an indigenous guide to everyday life.

Our Marketplace carries several components of the Mesa which are available for you to adopt and bring into your spiritual and life guidance practice:  Sacred Andean cloths, the Chakana bandana, chumpi stones, dice, woven ties, and the like can enhance your Mesa exploration.

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