Wake's Blog
Invite a Rainbow into your Mesa By Wake We present the newly crafted Mini Rainbow Chumpi stone set: Kuichi Chumpi. In Quechuan, language of the Q’ero, “Kuichi” is the term for rainbow and “Chumpi” refers to lines and belts of energy that are attracted to and emanate from each stone. This new Chumpi Ayllu (Spiritual Community) […]
Read MoreThere is much lore about the Chumpi. It’s name in Quechuan, the language of the Inka, means “brown” or “belt”. The most typical Chumpi Stone set is made out of a brown, alabaster stone.My first experience with the Chumpi was as a means of transmitting the Bands of Power. Each of five stones was carefully placed just above the surface […]
Read MoreCountry flags have political aspirations. They are meant to inspire and unify in relation to a political form. The reason they have deeper impact, however, is the mythic symbology as an underlying, spiritual core. The flag on Peru is formed from two colors: red and white. This national banner consists of two vertical bands of […]
Read MoreMotion is woven into Andean cloth. Energy Weavers The Q’ero, shamans of the high Andes, are weavers of energy patterns. These depicted figures represent the breath of Creation. The dark bordered image is the in-breath; the image bordered in white is the out-breath. Together they are life and describe a natural process. These figures give […]
Read MoreAndean Cosmology is organized around the concept of inclusion. The Inka built their famous roads to bring peoples of the Andes together. They believed that with full participation there is the greatest, inherent strength. The Inka civilization, and its smaller, component parts, were each based on four-section, equally important areas: the Tawantinsuyu. In Quechua, the […]
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