Artistic Peruvian Collections by Wake

These are from our Special Peruvian Collections offering -collected by Wake over a 15 year period during personal visits to the Andes, selected weaving communities, and Q’ero villages…..the weavers are so pleased that their personally envisioned, hand-woven, naturally dyed, fabrics will be shared with the world. By viewing these images, you are already a part of this Symbolic Revolution. Each symbol carries mythic tales and energy signatures.

Pairings, is a special collection of animated energy forms. These unique cloths have been individually sourced from weavers and weaving cooperatives in the Andes. We offer a varied selection of hand-woven and uniquely inspired pieces. Pairing fabrics and adding energy stones (including our special selections of Chumpi Tribes) opens the door, even more broadly, to the synergy of combined, symbolic form.

These cloths hold information; they are infused with the Sacred Symbology of the Q’ero, of the Inka, and of the Andes, themselves. In opening to these special patterns, in combining them as we feel drawn, we receive their tales of the Causay Pacha (the invisible sea of animated energy in which we thrive) and a narration of our particular Spirit Path. We engage this symbolic energy universe and journey to previously unknown locale.

Pairing is not new to you, as a Mesa Steward, weaving aficionado, or lover of the Andean world and its Cosmovision. What we offer is the bold material for this work of combining, encouragement to experiment, and a forum to share the Pairs that most clearly reflect and enhance your Journey.

Enjoy the Pairings, savor the Journey, share the revelations of your own Spirit Path through the synergy of stone and cloth.

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